Privacy Policy Template

Privacy Policy

The legal statement on the revelation of the way website collects and manages the consumer data is came to be known as Privacy Policy. According to the Information Technology Act, 2000 Indian Government made it mandatory to have the Privacy Policy on every website.


Website terms and policies can be made and displayed by every websites, e-platforms and mobile applications disclosing their management and use under legal statement. Usually, every Website Privacy Policy are displayed on the footer part along with information of last update or edit on the content shared. Privacy policy lets the users confidently use the site with no fear on losing their data shared.

What is the Sensitive Information?

According to the Information Technology Act, 2000:

  • Password
  • Financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit card or other payment instrument details
  • Physical, physiological and mental health condition
  • Sexual orientation
  • Medical records and history
  • Biometric information


Every public e-platform which serve and receive data or the one which handle information must have the privacy policy. And this should be published on the website for public acknowledgement.

It should be published with the following details on the website of the organization or the person:

  • Mentioning the activities and policies in user friendly way.
  • Type and uses of information collected.
  • Details on the data transferred.
  • About the use of cookies.
  • The procedures adopted for security purposes.

The Grievance Officer

The body corporate must nominate a Grievance Officer, and should publish the contact details along with the name in the website. He/she is then responsible to resort the complaints made by the community under within one month from the date of receipt of grievance.

Download Privacy Policy Template Format

You can also download the offer letter format in the following formats.

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