Public limited company registration with 8 DSC, 3 DIN, 1 RUN Name Approval, 10 lakh authorised capital, incorporation fee and stamp duty*, MOA, AOA, incorporation certificate, PAN, TAN, incorporation kit, hard-copy share certificates, 50+ document formats, GST registration, business bank account opening, commencement of business certificate, accounting, financial statement preparation, MCA annual return filing, income tax return filing and LEDGERS accounting software for providing estimates, invoices, tracking purchases, filing GST returns, online payment gateway and generating GST eWay bill. Inclusive of government fees.
Every large-scale company with a huge investment is in demand for covering a Public Limited Company. A minimum number of seven members with no limit in number can apply for Public Limited Company registration. Every PLC registered companies are non-private with a minimum paid-up capital of INR 5 lakh, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 50 directors and a minimum of 7 and with no limit to the number of shareholders.
Opening a Public Limited Company always deals with the most problematic and hectic process as it needs to obey the numerous governances of the Government in charge.
Clearing all the legal requirements in the number of directors and shareholders and the minimum paid-up capital should match and be satisfied to step into the further procedure.
all inclusive fees
Public limited company registration with 8 DSC, 3 DIN, 1 RUN Name Approval, 10 lakh authorised capital, incorporation fee and stamp duty*, MOA, AOA, incorporation certificate, PAN, TAN, incorporation kit, hard-copy share certificates, 50+ document formats, GST registration, business bank account opening, commencement of business certificate, accounting, financial statement preparation, MCA annual return filing, income tax return filing and LEDGERS accounting software for providing estimates, invoices, tracking purchases, filing GST returns, online payment gateway and generating GST eWay bill. Inclusive of government fees.
all inclusive fees
Public limited company registration with 8 DSC, 3 DIN, 1 RUN Name Approval, 10 lakh authorised capital, incorporation fee and stamp duty*, MOA, AOA, incorporation certificate, PAN, TAN, incorporation kit, hard-copy share certificates, 50+ document formats, GST registration, business bank account opening, commencement of business certificate, accounting, financial statement preparation, MCA annual return filing, income tax return filing, gst return filing for one year, Udyog aadhaar, trademark filing and LEDGERS accounting software for providing estimates, invoices, tracking purchases, filing GST returns, online payment gateway and generating GST eWay bill. Inclusive of government fees.
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